5 Ways Obesity Affects Your Fertility

When it comes to obesity, you’ve read all about the dangers. You know about increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, back and joint problems, and many other conditions.

But here’s one you may not know: Excess weight can hurt your chances of becoming pregnant. Obesity has a number of different effects on your fertility—as well as your partner’s.

1. Obesity affects your hormones

When your body mass index goes past the overweight category (BMI of 25–29.9) into the obese category (BMI of 30 and above), hormonal changes may occur in your body. When your levels of natural hormones change, your chances of conception decrease.

2. Obesity leads to insulin resistance

The hormonal imbalance that comes with obesity often leads to insulin resistance. That is a major risk factor on the road to diabetes — but it also affects your fertility and can create abnormal menstrual cycles. Insulin resistance can lead to anovulation, in which your body does not produce eggs properly.

3. Obesity affects natural and assisted pregnancies

Obesity makes it more challenging to become pregnant, no matter whether you’re using natural means or by reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). It also increases your risk for a miscarriage. This issue may be caused by the hormonal issues noted above or because of your body producing poor quality eggs.

4. Obesity decreases your partner’s fertility, too

Although much of the focus on obesity and infertility is on women, it absolutely affects men, too. For men, obesity leads to a drop in testosterone, which can lead to infertility. On top of that, erectile dysfunction occurs at a higher rate among obese men.

5. Losing weight can improve all of the above

If the issues above seem daunting, don’t fret — you and your partner can improve your chances of success by losing weight. As you lose weight, the hormonal imbalances and other effects of obesity begin to decrease. If you need help with a weight-loss plan, talk to your doctor. But you can get started on a healthy path by incorporating positive lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, reduced portion sizes and healthier food choices.





(Source : https://goo.gl/x1yTmy)


Picture of Dr. Tulip

Dr. Tulip

Dr. Tulip is an advanced laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon practicing in Bangalore at TODS- Dr. Tulips Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre

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D.s Suma
D.s Suma
DR.Tulip madam and Kavitha madam were amazing I Had a gastric bypass surgery last month I reduced 10 kgs of weight much more to go I started my second life with this Iam very grateful to dr. Tulip
Sai kiran Reddy
Sai kiran Reddy
After trying for a baby for 7 long years, bariatric surgery helped me. I conceived a year ago and and am a proud mother after shedding 30 kilos
Sankarsh rakesh
Sankarsh rakesh
Huge tummy sagging I had. Confused to do lipo or tummy tuck. Finally did tummy tuck , have flat tummy I dreamed. . Thanks to Dr Tulip and team.
Mahadev Prasad S
Mahadev Prasad S
Lost 20kgs in 4 months for wedding , but also regained 4kgs within 2 months. What doctor told is right only. I should have done Stapler surgery
Anuradha Suryakanth
Anuradha Suryakanth
Gastric bypass, a very wonderful surgery that my uncle underwent. I could notvsee him suffer, his diabetes was uncontrolled, he could not sleep without a CPap machine , breathless after taking few steps. But 4 months since surgery, he has lost 32 kgs, insulin has stopped, only one diabetes medicine he is taking. He no longer uses CPAP machine. He has become positive once again. Thanks to Dr Tulip and team for all the guidance before, during and after surgery. My uncle is in safe hands
Aryan Vishnu
Aryan Vishnu
10 minutes and swalow balon done. I have no discomfort and tummy feeling full. Nevery knew it was really so smooth. Hope I lose 17kgs.
Fusion Flow
Fusion Flow
After 2 years of gastric bypass surgery, I am still maintaining my weight of 69kgs. Before I was 157kgs with knee pains, breathing difficulty, diabetes, blood pressure. Now not taking any diabetes, bp treatment. I walk 5kms every day.
I was happy with my consultation with Dr Tulip which was for 45min. I am clear which procedure to choose.